On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 19:12:26 +0200, Anthony Atkielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
> Anyway, I have a really good instinct for picking technology winners, and
> thus far I put WAP in the same category as MiniDiscs, bubble memory, color
> fax machines, and quadraphonic sound.  I think the growth area is in:

The MiniDisc died.  MP3 is a big business.  People wanted the functionality.

Bubble memory died - people didn't want that functionality.

Color fax machines died.  People just don't fax enough color documents to
be worth it.  Color digital cameras however are a big business.

Quadraphonic sound died.  Home theatre systems are a big business.

> broadband land-based links; I don't understand why people have flown off on
> tangents towards wireless when land links are just starting to come into
> their own.  I suspect it is more politically motivated than technically

Umm.. I can't run my land link to my car.. or wherever I'm headed next.  That's
why wireless is becoming big business.

WAP may die like the other stuff mentioned above.  However, people DO want
the functionality - or something like it.
                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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