"Book, Robert" wrote:

> Vinton's idea has much merit. A scheme to allocate blocks of addresses to
> manufacturers would be much easier to support

Mmm...that's already there, isn't it? The low-order 64 bits he's talking about
are things like Ethernet addresses, for use in IPv6 autoconfig.  (We can't
allocate blocks of actual IP addresses to manufacturers, of course, or the
routers will go mad.  I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to
find a zombie router, with its front panel glowing insanely, standing over me
with a Cat5 garrotte and screaming, "Revenge!".  :-)

|John Stracke    | http://www.ecal.com |My opinions are my own.   |
|Chief Scientist |================================================|
|eCal Corp.      |If God had not given us duct tape, it would have|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|been necessary to invent it.                    |

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