Peter Dawson writes:

> v6 address space works out to about 1500 address
> per sq  mtr of the earth's surface...
> many house fit on 1 sqm ?

Not relevant.  IPv6 will be exhausted by overly-generous allocation of
address space, just like IPv4.  I've already explained in the past why this
must be so.  In part, it comes from the subjective impression that any new
address space is "more than we'll ever need" and the tendency to
overallocate in consequence, until it's too late; this is probably the most
common engineering mistake in IT history.  Another reason why IPv6 is not
nearly as large as it appears to be is that IP addresses are closely linked
to routing, instead of being randomly assigned; and this routing imposes
severe restrictions on how the address space can be used.  Both issues are
routinely and completely overlooked, even though they are responsible for
the pending exhaustion of IPv4 today, even though we don't have four billion
computers on the Internet yet.

In the past, I've suggested open-ended IP addressing to permanently solve
this (similar to the way telephone numbers are assigned today), but there
wasn't much interest.  Perhaps a few years from now, when it becomes
necessary to go to IPv12, which will have "more space than we'll ever need,"
I'll try again.

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