At 05:16 PM 1/20/2001 -0500, vint cerf wrote:
>a nightmare it seems to me

simply put and well stated..but I do suspect that the current NAT problem 
can be solved by the proper deployment of applications that MUST have 
routeable addresses. SIP being a case in point. The promise of SIP is a 
global end to end realtime messaging media ( text, voice , video ) as a 
complement to the store and forward Universal Messaging media based on SMTP 
( text, voice, fax) we have now.

If the application is powerful enough end users will force their networks 
to adapt accordingly.

The Net as we know is has always been application driven. SMTP, HTTP, FTP 
etc. These applications can transverse NAT's but real forms of streaming 
media cannot.

If we build the right applications that the market wants.. the networks 
will adapt to the needs of the applications....not the other way around.

>At 02:39 PM 1/20/2001 -0800, Bernard D. Aboba wrote:
> >What is worth thinking about is what this will imply for the future
> >internet architecture. It is one thing to address issues brought up by a
> >single well functioning NAT within the same administrative domain. It is
> >another thing to deal with multiple layers of perhaps not so well
> >implemented NATs which may not even support tunneling of IPv6.
> >And that is where we appear to be headed over the next few years.

Richard Shockey, Senior Technical Industry Liaison
NeuStar Inc.
1120 Vermont Avenue N.W., Suite 550, Washington DC. 20005
Voice: 202.533.2811,  Cell : 314.503.0640,  Fax: 815.333.1237
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