>>>>> "graham" == graham travers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    graham> In my, limited, coding experience, I don't recall finding ASCII diagrams as
    graham> part of the code.  Poor diagrammatic capability is one of the problems I

  Perhaps that's why you don't write much code.

  Almost all of my code quotes the relevant parts of the RFC. Particularly
the ASCII diagrams. Pretty hard to embed a Visio2000 diagram in the middle of
a comment in C.

    graham> IMHO, standards are about far more than writing code;  first, and most
    graham> importantly, they are about achieving agreement. ( Otherwise we could all

  Yes, you are right. They are about agreeing what is important.

    graham> just go off and write whatever code we want. )  This requires a common mind
    graham> set, and a suitable level of understanding to form it.  I am in favour of

  The mind set that has made the Internet what it is today is the same
mindset that prefers ASCII. The telcos which now claim to dominate the
Internet missed building it in the 1980s, mostly missed in the 1990s (when
Cisco became very well known), and seem to be about to miss the boat again.

  Maybe that's because they don't know how to do diagrams in ASCII. Maybe
there are other reasons. 

    graham> making it as easy as possible for common understanding to be reached.  
    graham> all, the subjects are complex enough to understand, without being hampered
    graham> by poor communication tools.

  If they are that complicated, then they are too complicated.
  ASCII diagrams are a complexity filter.

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