>         I have people working for me who write I-Ds, and who HATE the ASCII
> format that they are forced to use.  So much so, that they have threatened
> never to write another I-D.  Do we want to deprive the IETF community of the
> input of experienced technical people ( and, yes, they ARE ! ), because they
> are put off by archaic document formats ?

Possibly, yes--because code is written in ASCII.  A case could be made that
someone who isn't comfortable with ASCII can't write code, and someone who
can't write code should not be writing standards for how other people should
write code.

I'm aware that there are holes in this argument; but I think the same can be
said of yours.  For example, we don't know who these I-D authors you refer to
are, so we don't know what I-Ds they've written, or whether their I-Ds have
been of value to the IETF community.  Unless they speak up for themselves, we
don't know what kind of problems they've had, or how valid they are.

|John Stracke    | http://www.ecal.com |My opinions are my own.  |
|Chief Scientist |===============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|make me happy.                                 |

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