John Stracke wrote:

> > In my, limited, coding experience, I don't recall finding ASCII diagrams as
> > part of the code.  Poor diagrammatic capability is one of the problems I
> > have with ASCII.
> Oh, ASCII art.  I dunno; I've never used it.

A clarification (since somebody called me on it): I've never used it in *Drafts*.
As was pointed out, my .signature has it, sort of; but that's the most I've ever
done...and I don't even do that any more; I wrote a formatter to do it for me.

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own.  |
|Chief Scientist |===============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |A ship is safe in a harbor, but that's not what|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|a ship is for.                                 |

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