In theory it is possible to use a US issued credit card in Europe.

In practice, forget it unless you are willing to face the
embarrassment of 50% of places declining your card.

My experience in the UK is that outside London you are very likely to
find that the only cards they accept are chip and pin cards.

Now according to the VIsa and Mastercard agreements, this should not
be the case. Only the UK banks could not care less what Visa and
Mastercard want, they have zero intention of enforcing the requirement
on merchants. They are fed up with the fact that the US banks refusal
to deploy chip and pin means that they still face serious fraud losses
C&P has eliminated for card present transactions in the UK.

The attack presented by Ross Anderson is interesting, but fixable. The
hard part was insisting that everyone would use chips. As with SSL
2.0, the protocol has holes. They will be fixed. Meanwhile US cards
have no security at all.

I have a UK card just so I can spend money in the UK.
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