On Fri, 2 Apr 2010, Marshall Eubanks wrote:

> On Apr 2, 2010, at 8:11 AM, Andrew G. Malis wrote:
> >I'm with Joe on this. I also travel extensively, including in
> >non-tourist areas, and have never had my US Visa or Mastercard
> >declined because it didn't have a chip.
> At Point of Sale (e.g., restaurants, hotels, stores), no.
> At automated kiosks, yes. If the machine asks for a PIN in my
> experience my card will be declined, even if I enter my US PIN.
> Regards
> Marshall

I have had that happen too. The last time was with an NSB train ticket 
machine in Lillestrøm. This was a regular non-chip MasterCard and when
I later asked the card company about this they told me "the machine
probably did not recognize your card properly". If you are actually
BUYING stuff, then entering the US PIN is futile since it is not set
up to do anything beyond giving you a cash advance.

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