
>> I was living in France in spring 2005 when the chip and pin systems went
>> live there.
>> There was a very short period where cards without chip and pin did not
>> work.
>> Two days later, facing the inability to take money from foreigners,
>> signature-based transactions were back.
>> Sometimes (including in the UK) the shop-owner may sigh in a dramatic
>> way as they reach for the pen, but money is money!
>> ...
> The more tricky part are cases where there's nobody around to check a
> signature (ticket machines in Stockholm come to mind).

While we are on anecdotal notes on the b0rken CC system, here's one from

Signature-based CCs were - and are - rather popular here. The Chip+PIN
system was introduced anyways, which is arguably a good thing. My bank
wrote me a nice letter that Chip+PIN "had to" be put on my new card, but
to ensure that I can use the card in the more convenient (WTH?) way of
signing, it had been configured to offer POSes both options, but
defaulting to signature.
This makes sure that
a) I use signature next to everywhere, which makes me forget the
nevertheless existing PIN
b) if some POS understands enough handshaking to choose between the two
and use Chip, I'm lost because I forgot it
c) if some POS insists on Chip+PIN but does not understand enough
handshaking to recognise that there is more than the "default" sig
method on the card, I won't get service. Due to that, I can not use any
automatic-payment refueling stations in Luxembourg, nor rent a bike
("Veloh!") in Luxembourg City. Or train ticketing machines in the UK.

I'm delighted. Thanks, financials!

That's it for the rant of the day, happy Easter!

Stefan Winter

Ingenieur de Recherche
Fondation RESTENA - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de la 
6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg

Tel: +352 424409 1
Fax: +352 422473

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