On Aug 1, 2013, at 11:14 AM, Andy Bierman <a...@yumaworks.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Isn't it obvious why humming is flawed and raising hands works?
> (Analog vs. digital).  A hand is either raised or it isn't.
> The sum of all hands raised is comparable across tests.
> The sum of the amplitude of all hums is not.

Hums are better as they give greater weight to people who are more vocally in 
support (or in opposition) to the assertion.

Research shows([1]), that the one humming loudly for acceptance, will also 
volunteer to review and contribute code. The one humming loudly against is 
going to jump up to the mike in all future meetings and tell the group that 
they're doing the wrong thing. Those who hum softly will go back to reading 
their email.


[1] citation needed

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