I never understood this usual freaking statement "Google is soon turning
another monopolistic mega corporate". And unlike anything ever in the
business it is giving us choice, also no body is forcing anyone to choose
their service. And it is perfectly possible to live without their services
too. Then why are there so many worries and how can they be monopolistic.

About your email conversations being analyzed, it is no "*belief*" they have
openly mentioned it at the time of launch of the service about their
technology in 2004.

Coincidentally I read a comment in
PCWorld.com<http://forums.pcworld.com/message/43016#43015>about such
fears like "Google is too big":

> I for one believe in google quite a bit. So for me its just another
> negative pubilicity stunts... If you feel so insecured using emails, then
> you can never be safe, as by default u r subjected to security and privacy
> threats as soon as u connect urself to Internet. Now if you feel your email
> data is not secured with google, mind u its not just google, its yahoo,
> outllok express ( I guess worst of all), hotmail... all online email clients
> are subjected to same kind of threat... regarding storing your important
> stuff like legal information etc, why not host a private server with SMTP on
> it... Its easy enough to do and maybe u will feel more secured about it...
> Social Engg techniques, security threats, govt agencies prying on your
> data... All these things will exist as long as you are online... So whats
> the big deal about google? yea.. Now if you are worried about DoubleClick
> acquisition, isn't this the same that microsoft does... just being the SW
> giant who controls everything n anything.... And with google, *so far they
> are not forcing u to use anything that they offer.. they are the best in
> market but u can as well go with all the other search engines... yahoo also
> has my yahoo page.. You guys want the best and will cry even when you get
> the best!!!! *

About looting using AdSense:
How can advertising be classified as looting???? They are giving information
about products for interested people to buy, and they are getting a share in
the profit. How can this ever be looting ????

Restriction on filming helped Iran to make the most political films !!
Shouldn't films be made depending on user choice/demand or what director
wants to make?? Rather than someone dictating that this good and something
else is okay ? And what good can these "political movies" have to a person
who dislikes it

And I think communication shouldn't be have to be made possible using
'circumventing tools'. It should be openly usable, so that a lay man can use

Again I am sorry to take this discussion too much away from the purpose of
the forum. I just couldn't resist from posting this.

2009/7/12 Sebin Jacob <sebinaja...@gmail.com>

> 5. Now a negative and weird argument:  Google is soon turning another
> monopolistic mega corporate. Google's spiders are believed to read and
> interpret your gmail communications as if now. That is what helps them to
> display contextual advts along with our inbox. With this advt service, they
> are effectively looting much wealth from almost all nations. When the much
> awaited google wave will be operational, though they are open sourcing it
> and intends to make it a standard for collaborative communication, they
> would be in a postion to read private postings in third party social media
> applications too. So someone could have begun a check on Google's growth.
> China effectively blocked Google Inc. Though the reason raised in public for
> the ban on Google SE is that they displays links to pornographic websites,
> the real reason *may be* China's secret stand that, Google should not be
> given chance to exploit China's wealth.
> 6. If peaple of China thinks what they are having is not a fair deal, this
> is a chance for them to create more challenging circumvention tools to
> effectively bypass any internet censorship. Restriction on filming helped
> Iran to make the most political films, we would ever see. The same way,
> Chinese may come up with quality circumvention tools. This may also help the
> cause of sharing.

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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