Dear Nishandh,

It is not my fault that you cannot use Linux. Use what is given to
you, improve it, do whatever. Just stop ranting. Do something
constructive. Linux is not non-techies yet, despite what Ubuntu
marketing has fooled you into believing. Deal with it. Move on.

I don't come to you *ranting* about Derrida. I might take a course in
that subject (paying teachers to teach me), or I might buy several
books (pay authors to teach me). I would certainly not ask anything
before trying to find out on my own (such as via Google, or
Wikipedia). I will use the limited resources of the people who make
all this content available, in the most efficient manner possible.
Linux was not created by people who send rant emails - it was created
by a bunch of people who took what was available, used it despite all
its shortcomings, and sometimes tried to make it better.

You have stated that you are not willing to help yourself, nor are you
willing to get help from manuals/blogs/source code, nor are you
willing to pay someone else to do it for you. Instead, you want a
forum to post angry, ungrammatical (i.e., difficult to read) emails
about linux not working for non-techies. You hope for free support but
then you diss all the people who actually made this stuff for you to
use. You say the developers who make this stuff are idiots and aren't
obviosly thinking about the user. Are you sure you're worth responding

Your language has definitely improved; I hope your explorations will
go deeper than just superficial comments about the state of Linux.

Rajeev J Sebastian

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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