On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Raj Kamal <kamalraj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> .
>> WTF does that mean? If you cannot write English that anyone can
>> understand, please refrain from writing at all!
>> @ Rajeev Sebastian
> This is a mailing list and dont ever use abusive language. (For those who
> dont know the meaning of WTF: It stands for What The Fu** )
> There are hundreds of decent and respectable people in this group.
> You are the only self proclaimed techie who has n't made an iota of
> contribution to this group. You haven't answered any of the doubts any
> newbies. You haven't participated in any of the discussion in a constuctive
> way. You always bully and abuses new comers. Whenever there is a
> contravercial thread you poke your nose into it with your arrogant and
> abusive language and turns it into a flame war.

I suppose "RTFM" or "RTFS" would also be abusive to your so-called
"decent and respectable" people.

Yes, I have not made a single contribution to this group, nor to the
FLOSS community. I just use Linux and related tools a lot. So what? Is
this a mailing list only for people who have contributed?

>> I request the admin to ban this idiot from the mailing list.
> Who gave you the right to call a person 'idiot'. Remember again. This is a
> public discussion forum.
>  A few weeks ago when some people asked permission for archiving the posts,
> you were only person (out of more than 1000+) who objected to that. Was not
> it because you were afraid that your rants and rubbish will be read by more
> people?

No, it was just that
a) I wanted to assert my copyright on *my own* posts,
b) since I have not contributed anything useful, it makes no
difference whatsoever
c) I don't want people to look for ILUG-TVM posts on some random
websites; i would rather they come to the ilug-tvm google group, join
and read the archives and participate.

> I wonder why the list admins and mods keep silent about such harmful people
> in this group. Please act fast and ban such people.

Yes, please ban such abrasive people; while you're at it please also
ban people who cannot follow basic mailing list customs, etc.

Rajeev J Sebastian

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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