2010/5/12 nishandh M <pro.n...@gmail.com>:
>> 1) google for an answer
>  Practical?
> User is supposed to own two systems,  and connect the other to repair the
> faulty system to discuss online. If both are down, spend 20Rs/hour at
> internet cafe. (consider the rate of breakdown at USER level, frequency of
> incidence of errors in the mailing list itself gives an idea). we need
> better support system, and afterall. a better OS.(productive plans for
> betterment of OS)

Lets just think about this specific case, did you try to find an
answer to this particular problem with ntfs formatted external disk
using google? What di you find?

Considering you are very active in this list, I doubt you have any
difficulty with internet access.


To solve any problem, we need to understand it. Most of the time, most
of us (including me) find it easier to blame someone else. But we need
people to do hard part as well. To go back to your original question.
Can you reproduce this error in any other system?

>> 2) write to distro developers; learn to ask smart questions before you do
>> that
> User resigns from job, and invest  time, energy and money in laerning code,
> to ask smart questions.

I see you already spent lot of time in this mailing list. Did you try
to contact Ubuntu developers? It does not take as much effort as you
make it to be.

>> 3) send your stupid rants to distro mailing lists
> I will try to make it more full in meaning and defenition. when i clearly
> explained that the specific error is not the issue, in the first post I
> made, priority should have to make opinions about what i presented as an
> issue.and not to rectify the problems, even without asking for necessary
> details.

I also explained that without specific cases, it is difficult to solve an issue.

>> 4) RTFM
>> 5) RTFS
>> 6) fix the source to do what you want
> Do you mean user should learn manual, source code and determine things to
> sort? please refer to the earlier posts, in which the 'user' is contextualy
> described. You mean software testers i think. Try imagining a response to
> saying that to a  7th-standard students crowd, who are  users of Linux. Get
> a car with a lot of Kevlar and Lexan.

What do you suggest a user do? It is easier to expect others to solve
issues, but if you want to see your problems to get fixed, you will
need to make an effort.

7th standard student has a support path via their teachers. Teachers
can call a toll free number to get support.

>  I intentionally poked the behaviour of intentionally making things complex
> for the user in FOSS world. If a solution is implemented in one distro, and

Give specific issues and we will try to solve it, generic statements
like these are not going to help get anything improved.

> not readily adopted into another, then its something else which is working
> inside.

Every distro should submit their changes upstream. If you care about
this, give this a high priority when choosing a distro.

> People has to be made aware, that these distros are not directed
> towards betterment of society, but intentionaly slowing down of evolution of
> linux. Such distros and applications deserves no contributor attention. Let
> some "ambassadors of propreitoryship" handle it.If any distro is found to be
> so, ilug-tvm should stop promoting it.

Can I suggest you to explore how Ubuntu handles translations?

>> Don't you think developers of various distros ALREADY KNOW THIS FACT?
>> Everyone and his mother is trying to develop a "easy to use distro".
> NO, as it is percieved. There are respected efforts, but not entirely.either
> directed to wasteful processes as in making new distros, or the intentional
> maintanace of complexity earlier said.

Again, give specifics, it is hard to solve issues based on such statements.

> The same applies to ilug TVM, we may get a lot of more participation, if we
> have a better policy and better declared priorities. A better defined vision
> and plan for short term and long term.

Why don't you start a draft and see how people respond?
പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍
<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)

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"Freedom Unplugged"

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