
--- On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 10:37 AM, senthilraja P
| If we say, this much thousands of rupees be saved, then they will
| immediately show interest :)

But, then you are giving the wrong message. They will only use it for
the cost, but, not software freedom - which is priceless.

| we have all the drawbacks in our engineering colleges

so-called "engineering colleges".

| ..  but we have to sail
| through that, if we want to pursue our vision..

You have to make them realize that:
1. If they have to sail through or survive the competition, they need
to use FOSS.
2. It is for their vision and future, and not ours. We are already through.


P.S.: This is not an off-topic discussion IMO. Very much on-topic for

Shakthi Kannan
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