> /** Again, NRCFOSS is working on the above aspects.  They organize sessions
> for college faculties so that they can teach FOSS related subjects to
> their students.  Suggest you introduce your sister to members of the
> NRCFOSS org.
> **/

> /**   The sad part is that many
> students, who in their college days embrace FOSS, loose interest in it
> once they get a job.


I dont support just sessions or seminars on FOSS..  I remember how seminars,
sessions conducted in technical events..  the students just dont listen
much, for variety of reasons, including their lack of practical knowledge..
Even if some one listen, the knowledge dissipates due to lack of practice..

I would like quote yet another new method i followed in introducting FOSS to
my relative who is studying 3rd year in mahendra engg college..
Initially, for the first two days i was introducing him about open source,
linux, linux commands, web server, html, php, wiki..  at the end of the
second day, i observed, that he dont understand any of those things..
Then i made him use some of the basic linux commands, like ls, cd, etc..  he
too practiced it..

On the third day, i downloaded xxamp stack, and demonstrated how to
install..  i patiently made him do all those things..  ALAS..  he doesnt
remember the ls and cd commands that he practiced before..

I again taught him those, and linked those commands to some practical
situations, like moving to a particular folder to start xampp server etc.

Then he learned about how to start xxampp server, ..  till now, he did not
have any idea of web server..  then i demonstrated, how we can access the
webserver from browser as localhost..

now he could get some idea..  but not fully..

Then  on the third day i guided him to create a folder for him under htdocs
of xampp folder, and then asked to practice some html tags..

He did all those tags, but he could not remember those tags after some
time..  he was interested in surfing cricket scores..

Suddenly i got an idea..  I asked him "Do you want to desing your own IPL
site for displaying cricket score?"  ..

he got interested..  and he slowly started emulating the ipl score site..

As usual, the desired layout did not appear.. but he searched through, and
started making the site..

Now, i first told how the site should appear, and left some time for him to
think..  then i guided him how to achieve that functionality using html..
now he easily learned html, how to link multiple pages and then navigation..

Next, i taught him PHP, on how we can simplify reduntant html pages using
server side program..  he then started implementing that..  instead of
database, i told him initialise data using arrays..

And at last, i taught him how to install some basic open source softwares
like phpbb forum, wordpress etc.

I am sure, he might not have understood much of the things, as he is very
new to the technological side.  But the point i want to note is that
theoritical sessions wont help in any way to the students..  They can just
know the names, and only if they are interested..

Practical sessions may help a little bit, but one day session may not be
much useful..

So, what is the solution to break this deadlock

Infuse vision among the students & staffs..  we have to demonstrate how we
can enhance our life (both work and personal) using FOSS..  and how we can
improve an existing setup using foss..
Once they get the vision, then the learning automatically happens..

The foundation itself is not laid down yet..

So, what are the things that we can do to lay the foundation..

1. Develop practical knowledge on Essential basics of software and
development.  it should be in a complete cycle..
      -> Web server, database, PHP, GIMP, HTML authoring  - the basic
constituents of any web development..
           if we strive to teach this,  we have to teach all..  Just a
session on web server alone will be of no use.
      -> gcc, module dependencies, compiling, building existing modules and
running it, IDE,
     ->  kernel basics, device driver, compiling, and deploying
     ->  gtk+ or Qt+, GUIprogramming python, database connectivity, (it will
make a complete cycle where
           one can develop a practical application using these knowledge.
     -> Gambas/Mono, database connectivity, application programming

2. Prepare some practical scenarios in colleges where FOSS can be made for
every day use.
     -> mail server deployed locally opened to internet
     -> wiki, forums, blogs as announcement medium
     -> maintaining webserver, firewall.. server clusters, load balancing -
all connected to internet
     -> Research oriented application - RFID, image recognition, wireless,

3. We, the FOSS enthusiasts should first start our own networking portal,
with wiki, forums, gallery, videos, file directory, project
management, common user management,  course management etc... the main
purpose, is that we are discussion lot of thing in the mails, which is not
manageable.  If we could do all these in the forums, we can have a organised
& hierarchial discussion..  I feel, with present active member base, we can
very well start online forum discussion, with periodical updates of the
happening to this group.

4. Conduct a membeship drive, pulling in potential academic staffs &
students in to the communication line..


There are much more..  but for now, i feel i dont want to burden you all..

Some of the points are already expressed by me in the past..

My idea is that whatever we plan, we have consider the ground situation..

Senthil Raja
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