> Ways to promote FLOSS:
> -----------------------------------------
> 1. To assist in developing skillset among academics.  Once the professor
> gets empowered with knowledge, it diffuses to the students.
> We can start with selected colleges, and create a model..
> 2. Create a platform, to network interested students and the academics
> across tamilnadu..
> the mailing list is not an one shop for all purposes..  this is just for
> communication..
> 3. To form a team to lobby colleges, to adopt floss, and related management
> processes..  this lobby team would contain the network of teams who has in
> one or other way some influence over college management..

Let me share my recent experiences and I believe we should focus at
the grassroots level also, targeting

I had chance to be in a group of students pursuing their engg in
various colleges in and around the city.
I suggested to one of the student (3rd year ECE) to try the latest Ubuntu  8.04;
infact, I gave them the CD that I got shipped from The Netherlands.

He had no problems in installing but the questions he asked me
thereafter did surprise me; he was trying to
install M$ office and winamp in ubuntu (without using wine). I have
assured him that I would help him
further on how to install SW in GNU/Linux, configure and setup new HW.

I plan to introduce (subscribe) him to ILUGC, all this with the
emphasis that this is his choice and an opportunity
to widen his knowledge

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