
> I have been requested by Prof C N Krishnan to post the following reply to the
> post mentioned in the subject:
> "I coordinate the NRCFOSS Project in Anna University. I certainly
> appreciate the interest and concern shown by the author, and I am sure
> that lots more can be (should be ) done by us for FOSS promotion. I would
> like the author to please let me know how we can contact him/her to see if
> he/she has any specific suggestions or advice to give us, and also if
> he/she can get involved in our work in what ever possible ways. We at
> NRCFOSS certainly value all well meaning criticism and advice.So please do
> contact me.My name is C N Krishnan, and my e-mail is cnkrish at au-kbc dot
> org"

I don't maintain the blog but I have a few suggestions:
1. Actively support teams in all States of India in promoting FOSS.
Support would
cover resources to train teachers, providing a
platform(university-level meetings etc)
where we can meet the concerned teachers and convince them.
2. Training of teachers in multiple phases. One time is NOT sufficient.
3. Ensuring that colleges have adequate facilities to implement the subject.
4. For FOSS to develop the local economy must directly be benefited.
This can be
made possible by encouraging newer entrepreneurs and not just already
established ones.
5. Discuss NRCFOSS's plan of action with people doing ground work not just
on the mailing list as the mailing list is only a tool for coordination.
6. NRCFOSS should work as a catalyst keeping the promotion of FOSS as
the primary goal.
Vikram Vincent
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