In Karnataka we had a "Say NO to VTU-M$ tie-up". It would have been good
had NRCFOSS been an actual signatory apart from verbal support.
We shall be continuing this campaign again and I hope that NRCFOSS will play an
active role.
Vikram Vincent

2009/3/2 Vikram Vincent <>:
> I don't maintain the blog but I have a few suggestions:
> 1. Actively support teams in all States of India in promoting FOSS.
> Support would
> cover resources to train teachers, providing a
> platform(university-level meetings etc)
> where we can meet the concerned teachers and convince them.
> 2. Training of teachers in multiple phases. One time is NOT sufficient.
> 3. Ensuring that colleges have adequate facilities to implement the subject.
> 4. For FOSS to develop the local economy must directly be benefited.
> This can be
> made possible by encouraging newer entrepreneurs and not just already
> established ones.
> 5. Discuss NRCFOSS's plan of action with people doing ground work not just
> on the mailing list as the mailing list is only a tool for coordination.
> 6. NRCFOSS should work as a catalyst keeping the promotion of FOSS as
> the primary goal.
> Regards,

Vikram Vincent
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