On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 1:52 PM, LIFNA JOS <lifna...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hai friends...........
> I am lifna from Mumbai...........
> Recently i joined the group.......Thanks for accepting my request........
> I take this opportunity to Wish all the members.........\
>         Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year........
>         May GOD bestow all blessings upon you & your families...............
> Lifna

Hai Lifna,

Welcome to the group.

We usually send our holiday greetings to "Kenneth Gonsalves"
<law...@thenilgiris.com> so that he can send us a consolidated list at
the end of the festival time.  Please do so from now on, instead of
mailing the group.

Please read the mailing list guidelines, and hang around for a while
to see how things are done around here.

Enjoy your stay.

Roshan Mathews
ILUGC Mailing List:

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