On Thursday 24 Dec 2009 4:29:32 pm Roshan Mathews wrote:
> > it is considered one of the most serious breaches of internet etiquette
> > to expose a person's email address or phone number in a publicly
> > accessible place without his consent. In many forums the offender is
> > instantly ejected. Before advising newcomers on etiquette I suggest you
> > bone up on it ...
> And yet, http://www.google.co.in/#q=lawgon%40thenilgiris.com shows
> that it hasn't really been something you have normally obfuscated.

*I* am entitled to put my email address anywhere in the world or even paint it 
on the roads - *you* are not. Without *my* permission you have absolutely no 
right over my personal data. And do not try to avoid the point. You have 
behaved irresponsibly - own up to it. Unless you are actually justifying the 
exposure of my personal data?
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