On Thursday 24 Dec 2009 4:43:33 pm Roshan Mathews wrote:
> > I am entitled to put my email address anywhere in the world or even paint
> > it on the roads - you are not. Without my permission you have absolutely
> > no right over my personal data. And do not try to avoid the point. You
> > have behaved irresponsibly - own up to it. Unless you are actually
> > justifying the exposure of my personal data?
> I'm only pointing out that your great moral outrage though voluble is
> barely justifiable.  Surely you overreact?

as already suggested - learn something about etiquette. I do not suppose you 
have noticed that email addresses are obfuscated in the archives of this list? 
or in most lists? (I wonder why we Indians are so reluctant to acknowledge 
that we have made a mistake?) Just admit it - get it off your chest and enjoy 
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