
How do you think this will help in bringing in more crowd to ILUGC monthly
> meets?

This is  just an experiment, I am not sure how it pans out to be, but, the
bone of contention of my argument is give a chance to such a venture and
lets record the inference,even if this turns other wise, we have nothing to

> We already have two websites (not to mention this list), you think this is
> not enough??
> Afaik, the official website of ilugc  is www.ilugc.in

Even if ILUGC goes on Facebook/Twitter, we still need to get the word out to
> others to follow ILUGC on Facebook/Twitter.
> We might as well just ask them to follow the websites and this list.
> --
Your are right, content is the king, I have started contributing contents to
ilugc website and encourage others to do so, and our co-ordinator has some
plans for the forth coming meets, this messages need to be propagated to
masses, i think social networking fan club of ilugc is one of the action
items which we discussed in the last meet.This is an idea, lets give a fair
chance and record its merits

Thyagarajan Shanmugham
ILUGC Mailing List:

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