dear friends:
FOSS propagation has multiple aspects. While many of the active LUG members
would like to have "correct" FOSS inducted in "correct" manner, the ground
realities have to be taken into account.

At the outset, FOSS cannot be a "subject" in the strict curriculum sense.
The concept of knowledge sharing, collaborative work  (which were once
hallmark points in academia and research) have yielded to the pressure of
scoring marks, getting projects ... FOSS awareness could bring back the good

Specifically, if we think of engineering curricula, FOSS concepts
(collaborative development) could be the focus for CSE/IT, while ECE/MECH
and other branches could concentrate on using & contributing to FOSS
alternatives for the proprietary they use. Biotechnology (esp in Arts &
Science colleges) uses open sources heavily -- Linux, Python are regular
papers for their Masters programmes.

The universities also have their own norms -- in anna univ, a new subject
had to be introduced as elective (theory!!) and then could grow. the rule
might be getting changed now. Anna Univ Coimbatore has introduced FOSS as
core paper. If you think 45 hrs / theory (or practical) etc., restrictions
is ridiculous teach FOSS, please remember that the restrictions are also
hampering  many other subjects. There is (hopefully was) a rule that a
theory subject should have one specified textbook (at most two). We had 1
hour discussion in a syllabus committee meeting that this is ridiculous for
subjects like software practices, software testing, etc.

What NRCFOSS (and various academicians) are trying is to breach the
proprietary wall in whichever reasonable way possible -- i hope we realise
that the awareness level in 2004-05 was much less compared to what is now.

My suggestion : let us continue to introduce subjects in the curriculum
subject to university norms, introduce FOSS alternatives in labs, draw the
students towards FOSS usage/projects, try to remove the restrictive clauses
like only specific software should be used, and be ready to take advantage
of the changing scenarios.

Often, it may be the local professor/lecturer/student groups who will have
to brave the scenario, and FOSS community / NRCFOSS & related agencies
should be willing to pitch in.

I apologise for the long msg and let me conclude with the example of Jaya
Engg College : when they introduced FOSS elective in 2005-06, the official
notification had not come, but university authorities with backup from
NRCFOSS took care of the admin aspects ; AU-KBC (& CDAC) to certain extent,
and ILUGC members in great measures ensured that their FOSS club activities
flourished. Their students did well in exams and some of them also
contributed to the FOSS repository. Of course, the backbone was Prof Kumaran
ably supported by his enthusiastic band of students and staff (lab sessions
to teach the "theory" paper, migrating to FOSS alternatives in some the
labs, etc.).


Dr. S. Srinivasan
Project Scientist
CDAC Chennai
(formerly with AU-KBC)
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