
2011/6/25 Thyagarajan தியாகராஜன் <>

> I see my comment is taken out of context. I am not suggesting what they are
> using (viz pirated/licensed copy), all that what i felt is "exposure to
> doze" may help the student to fetch a job.

I am sorry, I wasn't clear and that earned me a OT. Of course its glad that
they give Windows. If you could recollect, around 3 years back ELCOT said
they were negotiating for 500 rupees with MS for the OS, and offered a Linux
only system. Its a good improvement this time, but why spend on a useless
stripped down version of it. You will have to spend on a better OS (upgrade)
if you want to run all those packages, so why should the govt spend now?
Thats why I said buy your own or get a pirated one for your needs.

> I am not interested in bolstering only linux as a solution to all problems,
> instead, promoting linux in a little way i could. FYI, I am conducting a
> gcc
> course for 7 days in birla planetarium for pre-engineering college students
> starting 4th of July 2011.
I have read a lot of mails written by you in this mailing list and in no way
think otherwise. I respect every member.

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