On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 22:35, supreet wrote:
> Memory caches of shared libraries remain loaded. This could be the
> reason for the anamoly
> On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 17:47, Jasmeet S. Virdi wrote:
> > Hi folx,
> >     I am trying to fine tune an app here with regards to its memory
> > and CPU usage. When I typically work on windows, I c the memory going up
> > by some amount when I run my app and coming back to the same level when
> > I shutdown the app. But on linux, the app takes some memory while
> > running and when I shutdown the app, I dunt get back to the original
> > memory level.i tried performing this experiment of mine with other linux
> > apps as well and saw the same behavior (nautilus, etc.) Could someone
> > let me know the reasons for this. I can send more details of the things
> > that I did if u want.

That is the 'expected' behavior.
Thats due to the way the Free Memory is treated in Linux. 
I would put it as Free Memory is actually the memory that is unusable (
immediately) by the system/user programs.  They get all the memory from
cached memory and buffers. So actually the real measure of free memory
would be 
$actualfreememory = $freememory + $buffer + $cached
This behavior can be in part modified by changing the kernel parameters
to change the over commit memory algorithm to do not over commit. 

See the output of 


see the "real" unused memory.

Tarun Dua

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