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>>>>> "LL" == linuxlingam  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    LL> [snip]

    LL> arvind, maybe there's another way: if this gets published with
    LL> the four goals adhered to, while under fdl, it is worth
    LL> doing. is there a way of doing this?

    LL> tell me and i'll do it.

I'd just release the document under FDL or equivalent license in some
form of editable source.  I cannot predict what'll happen after that,
nor do I have the capability to.  My original goal (making a document
for a specific purpose) has been satisfied, and if I want to enhance
the document in some way I do that to my original source.  How other
people use it is not my problem.

Linus Torvalds categorically stated when he released Linux 0.1 that
Linux would never run on any architecture except x86.  Billu Badshah
stated in the '80s that 640K of RAM would be enough for anyone.  IBM
stated in the '40s that the computing needs of the world would be
satisfied with 6 computers.  I'm sure you don't want LL's quote about
5 pages being enough for anyone to join that august list of quotations

In a nutshell what I'm saying is that once I have achieved my aim from
a product I wouldn't try to restrict its usage in any way, since
(e.g.) one day the palm users would be wanting it in palm-readable
format, the Knoppix author would be wanting it as his splash screen,
THE FSF would want some part of it printed onto a t-shirt, and ESR
would be wanting to make a 50-page thesis using it as a base.  Do I
really want to prevent all these people for doing so?


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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