On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 20:20, supreet wrote:

> Regarding 486 running linux. I worked on 486 from 1996-1998 with
> linux/X-windows.
> This thing works.
> Following Config I used to run:
> Intel 486-dx2 66Mhz
> 8 Mb Ram
> Realtek vga card with 256k memory 16 color
> With little effort this can still be done

so the question is, if such a 486 pc, or a pentium I, is connected via
ltsp to an amd athlonxp with redhat8 or 9, with a graphics card that
supports 800x600 24-bit, would it still be able to handle gnome or
kde...? and running openoffice? all streaming in from the amd athlonxp


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