On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 10:48, Narsingh Sahu wrote:
> When you are thinking of thin client or LTSP kind of
> network solution, I would not go for Gnome/KDE at the
> client end. Both are heavy and you don't want to run
> all the kind of software which come with these two
> desktop environment, do you? Yes you need a good
In fact I was also under this impression but in actuality it turned out
that using IceWM or KDE made only slight difference in memory used but
hardly noticeable slowdown. IAC for such server a beefy memory (about
128MB per client is good idea)

> graphics card capable of 24bit resolution and may be
> 3D graphics, because you may be intending the clients
> to access graphics related software. The main idea is
> to utilise older PCs( 486, P-I) to work efficiently.
Old PC's and good graphic cards is sort of contradiction as most the 486
came with ISA bus ( some did with PCI bus ) However since graphics are
to be processed at the server and served to client display this means
traffic on network. Again was quite surprised to note that in my work
situation there is very little network traffic using LTSP as files are
served by the same server and only end display travels on network.

> You serve software like OpenOffice from a central
> server. My advice is that you stick to a less heavy
> Window manager like IceWM, Window Maker, or XFCE4(it
> is much improved). OpenOffice 1.1 is much faster than
> the earlier versions. In a LTSP environment, the
> subsequent loading of OpenOffice at the client end,
> after some user has already done it, will be really
> fast( one second or thereabout). And yes, such a
Quite agree on the last about fast opens.

However all said I am still not convinced that 486 with low mem is good
idea for running a X (IceWM etc.) desk as the lag time in updating of
display tells.

I have run one 386 machine also but just for curiosity. If you want to
see demo...come over.
Sudev Barar

Learning Linux

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