that's cool! looks very exciting. wish i can be there too.

To increase the presence we can advertise this event at some colleges and
Computer institutes like NIIT and some companies. those are the places where
we will be getting most of the newbies and ppl who are just willing to know
more about Linux. I am sure our current members can do this kind of
advertisement at their place either by word of mouth or mailing to companies
list or so n so. Of course we will be geeting more volunteer for next meets
and more advertisement about linux-delhi.  and in case we are getting
overcrouded we can put some small enterence fees, just to cover up expenses
and to keep the **** freebies(i mean ppl who are not serious enough) out
****. There is nothing which is free in the world.

I am already smelling a fabulous and quality presence there :).

my two cents :)

Dont be fooled!! The penguins are coming!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "LinuxLingam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Linux-Delhi mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ilugd] The December Meet

> On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 17:26, Ashwin Baindur wrote:
> > * With help - Volunteers required please who can showcase the install,
> > use of the Seven Steps to Samadhi programmes, speak on Newbie topics.
> i have done several talks, seminars, and workshops, where have walked
> through the seven steps to samadhi programme. the document is both an
> outcome of that, and a documentation for that. could do one for ilug-d
> as well.
> suggestion: one or two newbies could bring their *fully backed up* and
> ready-to-migrate pcs to the meet, where volunteers could demo an
> install.
> > * With resources - For example, I'd appreciate if you can bring some
> > books, CDs or something to the meet to show/inspire/educate the Newbie.
> abhishek could come with a nice collection set of LinuxForYou *and* a
> one-page flier of a summary of topics through the 10 months for newbies.
> > * By passing the word to Newbies about this Golden Opprtunity - if we
> > get even say a dozen newbies of whom say even three-four get hooked -
> > have achieved success. Anything more than that would be good success,
> > success or extraordinary success (depending on how many come .AND.
> > Linux-lovers).
> neat idea.
> >
> > I'd be able to do a little bit of each of the things I've asked help
for -
> > but the success of an ILUGD Meet depends on - how many ILUGDites
> > come, and as importantly, how many get 'involved' in organising the
> members could spread the word *beyond* and *outside* the firewalls of
> linux-delhi? ad-hoc, verbatim. what do you say?
> >
> > Now, dear ILUGDites - the cat is out of the bag.
> > Let's put our words into
> > action and move forward to make the Meet a success.
> >
> > PS - I promise to deliver on the Jungle Juice ;-) .
> > Regards, Ashwin
> let's do a dhamaka in december
> :-)
> LL
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