> (1) Apache Web Server
First read /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf on your RH box. This file will give
you some good info on what needs to be done. Then read the apache manual. If
you are still stuck, use google, and if you continue to be stuck, feel free
to drop a mail on this list! One thing to be careful with apache is that
file permissions pay a big role, and a lot of problems can be traced to
owner/group and permissions.

> (2) Send Mail Server
There is a whole book on sendmail by O' Reily. If you need to learn
sendmail, then this is the book. OTOH consider implementing qmail, postfix
or exim. All of these are in general easier to configure than sendmail, more
secure and faster.

> (5) Domain Name Server
There are tons of HOWTOs on configuring bind. Start with a few of them,
learn about the basic DNS protocol and the way things are organized. Also
get to know the file formats and conventions for bind. Bind is easy once u
know the basics, but pay specific attention to the config files!

BTW.. do read the howto on each subject first. They are really good, and
better than most people can explain general configuration. I find that with
Linux servers, reading the howtos gets you going. For advanced issues, ask
specific questions, and you will get good answers.

Ambar Roy

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