I am blessed. :o)

I understand the point you made, and disagree.

The beggers became beggers because at that time they thought they had
nothing else to do.
Linux newbies are mostly already aware of windows, and in a country like
india, practically both are  free. :o)

All I was saying was if some extra help could be extended to people who are
new to Linux, it could make things easier for them. When I say extra
help...I dont mean anything more than emailed solutions that list a stepwise
procedure, instead of a referal to a manual that has several thousand things
to confuse a beginner.

If at the start of a trek, a person is given two options, to climb a tall
perpendicular cliff or a steady incline. The person would probably prefer
the steady incline.
Because at that point he doesnt know that the cliff top is heaven and the
steady incline leads to a closed source hell !

Back to beggars, if a NGO takes time to teach pottery to a beggar, it will
be easier for the beggar to start pottery. However those little tips(coins)
will instead deter them from starting a venture. Ofcourse, if gurus feel
their time is too precious to write detailed emails for newbies, then
beggers die. If beggars die, GNU falls sick.

So next time when you stop at a traffic point, appricaite the effort the
beggar has made ! ;o)

> > I am not sure[ ;o) ] , but probably a dumbo's point of view is, that
> > 'she' asks the same question to a windows support tech and a Linux
> > tech the difference in the reply recevied is staggering!
> Let me ask you something - have you seen beggars at the traffic points
> in Delhi? You must have seen that there are two kinds of people - one
> who gives alms to these beggars and ones who do not. Now those who do
> NOT give alms to the beggars are again of two kinds - ones who do not
> want to give their money to somebody, and ones who feel that giving
> money to these people will only make these people get dependent on this
> as a way of living.
> There is also the fact that the process of self-help causes the newbie
> to learn a lot of things on the way that he/she did not intend to learn
> at that time ;) but would definitely help in the future. A lot like the

> - Sandip
> P.S. Bless you if you have read this far :D

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