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On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, LinuxLingam wrote:

> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 05:46:32 +0530
> From: LinuxLingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [ilugd] Re: access LL to LL
> On Mon, 2004-03-29 at 02:03, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
> > I think a better solution would be to hack the kernel on your Fedora box
> > in order to transparently remap the UID and GID to those used on the RH8
> > system, so that the filesystem permission checks work as you want.
> >
> ouch! a) don't know how to do that. b) don't wanna do that 'cause this
> is a mission-critical production install for a delicate project that is
> time-bound.
> > Meanwhile, back in the real world with its sad shortage or psychotropic
> > substances, have you considered just using the same UID and GID on both
> > installations?
> yup. resets and throws back the login screen without errors, when i log
> into the distro that has the UID and GID changed. which is why i think
> the best thing to do is to log into, say Fedora, change the UID and GID
> of the home directory of the other distro which is mounted. do all my
> work in peace. and then on logging off, reset the UID and GID to its
> original values so that user LL has no problems when logging into RH8.
> please guide me how to do this.
> thanks
sorry to come in between. But what I understand the person want's to
tell you is that you should have exactly same UID and GID on both the distros.
Under Linux/Unix, usernames don't matter, what matters is UID.
Say, on Fedora LL is having UID and GID = 501
simply delete the LL user on PCQLinux and re-create the same user with
UID and GID 501. In this way the User on both machines having UID and
GID = 501 will be able to access the directories.

As said that privileges are granted based on UID's, say on your machine
I create a user named rrs with UID = 501 on your Fedora Installation
whereas you already have user LL = 500 on the PCQ Installation. In this case user rrs 
will be
able to access user LL's home directory of PCQ Linux Installation.

I hope this is what the person means to state.

> :-)
> LL
> >
> > -- ams
> >
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