On Thursday 01 July 2004 11:22 am, Amit Sharma wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# telnet localhost 25
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> any hints ???

By any chance, do you have anything in /etc/hosts.allow or /etc/hosts.deny?

To debug postfix conncetion failures, stop the postfix service. Then run it 
manually at the console in the *foreground" in debug mode. And in another 
console telnet to port 25 of localhost and check the debug messages.

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya
sandip (at) puroga.com
Puroga Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Work: http://www.puroga.com        Home: http://www.sandipb.net

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