On 7/19/05, satyakam goswami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can any body help me find out  a way to use reliance data cable and mobile
> > for Internet access on linux, since there software comes with CD doesn't
> > support linux.
> > I m working on Fedora 10.0.

> hmm you are in mumbai , ppl from plug have found the easy way out use 
> ebay.co.in

How does use of ebay get reliance cable + modem working...???
Scratching my head !!

I have not found a solution to connecting Reliance phone through cable
ever since udev was introduced. Worked fine upto RH9. Now the moment
you plug in usb cable the phone is treated as storgae device and it
powers down. I know it is something in hotplug that needs to be
commented out or blacklist edited will get to it some day.

Sudev Barar
Learning Linux

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