hassath wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 22:45, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
> And Pankaj, this thread repeatedly will raise "its ugly head" because
> this issue has not been resolved. I am not sorry that it causes
> discomfort in your complacent world. 

I am neither discomforted by the discussion nor am I complacent, merely
un-interested in discussions without a result.

> Yes, "males do dominate most computer related areas". And not just
> computer related areas.It is a fact- but not one to be plainly accepted.
> The question arises- why is it so? And to take it further, in any field,
> why is it that the marginalised continue to stay marginalised? Is it
> because they are genetically predisposed to being marginalised? Or
> should one ask- What opportunities do they have- are they in any way
> equal to the opportunities of the more privileged? At this moment, I am
> talking only about gender, but my concerns extend to all marginalised
> people, in all areas. It is convenient to say that this is how things
> are- and be complacent about it. 

This was exactly my point, males *do* dominate various fields, similarly
 there are many fields that are dominated by women, teaching for
example. All I wanted to say was that we have a bigger issue at hand.
Its not just that it is *linux* and the language of linux that is
intimidating to women thus they stay away.

This group is a open community, anyone can raise her voice, if there are
women on this list and meetings who feel that the *prevailing
atmosphere* is unfriendly and discouraging then this issue must be
raised by pointing out what exactly makes one un-welcome and it must be

This subject does come up every now and then, people wonder why more
women don't participate, they raise the issue and say, we should do
something about it. The thread reaches 50 and everyone forgets about it
because nobody knows what to do.

You have made a start by raising the issue once again. Lets not dwell
into the the nature of society at large but make this group, which you
made yourself a part of by subscribing to the mailing-list a little more
comfortable for women.

Alas, even today there's little worth thinking and saying that does
not grievously wound the state, the gods, and common decency.

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