
I might be the lone voice out here but think you guys are
over-reacting. Microsoft has/had a presence in just about every big
FLOSS event I've been to, either by participating or sponsoring or
having a stall put up. Heck they even have a stall at ze LinuxWorld.
(Ironic that the LinuxWorld site runs .asp methinks)


I went to LA yesterday and I really think it was a *good* thing
Microsoft was there. It didn't reduce the sly comments directed
against Microsoft from just about every one of the speakers and their
whole "wow with Vista" stall drew just about as few visitors as the
rest of them. Vista was really pathetic when I used it there too, and
the girls/guys at the stall were dumbos.

I agree however that a try should be made to introduce FOSS into a
Microsoft conference. That'd be fun :-)


On 2/1/07, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 01-Feb-07, at 10:18 AM, Sudev Barar wrote:
> > While they may be aare they need to be made aware of community
> > dis-approval of such event names being used and associating such
> > sponsors with them. Silence to reflect our protest will not get us
> > anywhere.
> this is the 'assurance':
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.org.user-groups.linux.ilugc/36498/
> match=linuxasia
> >
> > Far feched but KG perhaps NRC-FOSS can do it's bit??
> NRC-FOSS participation was decided when we thought ilugd was running
> the show in collaboration with LFY. The microsoft news came too late
> in the day for changing plans (we *are* a govt thingie and not too
> much into protesting). However our participation is far less than it
> would have been had ilugd been part of the show. I personally have
> been making a noise, but there are a lot of oss people who are
> neutral to microsoft - and even target the microsoft platform. In
> fact, a large number of foss applications spend more of their time
> finetuning the microsoft ports of their applications than the linux
> ports. Each to his own poison.
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Associate, NRC-FOSS
> http://nrcfosshelpline.in/web/
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