On 2/1/07, Vikas Rawal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 01:16:34PM +0530, Vishnu Gopal wrote:
> > I'm not sure what's wrong, is the money somehow tainted? In the all
> > the events I've organized the sponsors don't have much of a say on
> > *how* the event is organized, or what is actually said/done at the
> > event. Just that they want this much space for the stalls, this much
> > of time on stage, this much of projector space, their name in the
> > branding etc... not sure it's that much of a problem.
> they take time on stage, they take projector space, they put up stalls
> in physical space, and they have their name in the branding..
> what else would you think compromises the agenda?
> poor rajinder da dhaba is not going to ask for most of these.

Why would it compromise the goals/agenda? An event is different from
the sponsorship. It's like the Google sponsored ads that I see towards
the right of Gmail. They take up space, they advertise themselves,
they ask for some of my time, but they are different from the emails I
type in here.

Anyways, feel free to take this off-list/IRC, don't want this to
degrade to a Is Microsoft good/evil conversation.

And sorry for the top post.


> vikas
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