On 2/1/07, Sudev Barar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 01/02/07, Vishnu Gopal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anyone who doesn't compromise my goals for an event. It's like this:
> > you give me this much money and you get this much. Yup, I will. If
> > Rajindar da Dhaba wants to sponsor the next whatever, I say lets go
> > for it =)
> Sorry for missing out on this interesting thread during the day. First
> of all +1 for keeping on the list.
> IF, note it is big if, M$ was only wanting to sell their products it
> would not really be an issue bigger than Santa Dhabha selling food at
> Raju Dhaba would be.
> However issue here is M$'s duplicity in threatening every and all
> sundry with their patent nonsense and then have gumption to hijack
> your movement. All the attempts at such back door entry need to be
> restricted as much as possible.
> OSS community also exists for M$ platforms we have no issues with that
> and we would welcome speakers from M$ itself if they were
> demonstrating products based on OSS / GPL et. al.
> However to be main sponsor of an event and then get a front stage
> performance would subvert the very basis of OSS movement and community
> ownership.

If you will allow me to put in my two cents at this juncture -

This animosity towards Microsoft is justified as long as it is used as
a common battle cry for the cause of Open Source / Free Software and
nothing more. Microsoft is just the company most out of sync with our
goals and the premise (Something is Microsofty => That something is
Evil) is just a time saving approximation that we use to simplify
things. Microsoft per se is *not* the enemy. If Microsoft is
participating in a Linux event let them! There would be no knotting of
knickers amongst the truly rational pro-OSS group. Why should we
restrict their very legitimate and wholly reasonable activities,
especially if they are paying real cash which would help us to further
our cause. I don't think there should be concerns about Microsoft
"hijacking" the movement, compromising the agenda and curtailing a
free discussion, just by being on the sponsors list. If there is some
of it then it is really LA organisers's fault that they let it happen
and not Microsoft's for trying.

Count me out of the knickers-knotted group.

The Free Software Philosophy as I see it would be defense and not offense.

Anupam Jain

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