  Time and again, there have been expressions on this list that
management decisions in ILUG-Delhi are taken behind closed doors.
While I personally feel that ILUG-D is among the most open
organisations that I have been a part of, and strongly resent such
implications, there must be some truth behind this, as it has been
expressed by many people.

  So, rather than griping about it, how about some concrete
proposals to change this? Please follow up on the list with your
ideas on how decision-making could be more open and participatory,
and I will volunteer to collate the responses, and post a synopsis.
The one thing that I can think of is video-conferencing, but that
stringently limits the venues that we can use for the meetings,
and requires someone to invest some time in setting it up.
Also, please remember that ILUG-D is a voluntary organisation, and
any proposal that asks for a significant increase in the time spent
by regular participants at meetings is unlikely to be implemented.
Finally, certain decisions, such as those involving finances, will
always have to be made in private, among office bearers only, though
the outcomes will certainly be public.


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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