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On Saturday 05 May 2007 14:32, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> [snip]
> In this particular case though, the renaming of the event was a
> complete surprise. Nobody knew that such a requirement was there.
> Normally before such decisions, people did discuss things online
> before deciding on the final option in the actual meeting. It is
> still ok that the meeting participants discovered the need in the
> meeting, and also found a solution. But is it wrong to discuss the
> decision in the mailing list? Or has the objective of the list
> changed - and that we can only discuss Linux here and all ILUGD
> related discussions have to happen at the meeting? If that it so,
> accept my apologies. You will hear no more from me on such matters in
> the future.

Hey, the decision still isn't set in stone, you know?  I mean, we 
haven't given up the freedel.in domain name yet or anything ;)

While I agree that decisions should be taken by consensus as far as 
possible, there is a specific issue here: the decision wasn't a 
consensual one even within the group who were meeting to discuss it.

Long story:

We are lucky to have got hold of the services of a top-notch PR 
professional for no cost to us at all.  We had very intensive sessions 
with Rajesh, including verbal abuse between the members.  The only 
thing that we could ALL agree on was that Rajesh was doing a great job 
and it would be stupid of us to not pay attention to what he was 

Rajesh was very emphatic on the name change.  There was resistance 
within the group to that too (we all hate change, don't we?), but 
eventually he convinced us that Freed was a far better identity for the 
event than Freedel.  Not being any good at PR myself, I wouldn't be 
able to specify the exact arguments he gave, but damn, they did sound 
convincing at that time!

I'm not saying that we should go with what Rajesh says just because he's 
a highly-paid (though not by us) consultant; nor am I saying that we 
are stuck forever and ever with the name Freed.  If there's enough 
people who feel that it's wrong, we should seriously reconsider the 
name change and revert to Freedel.  We could even hold one event as 
Freed and the next one as Freedel if we feel things aren't working out 
with the new identity.  However, please also consider all the 
ramifications of the name change (as pointed out by PJ) before you make 
up your mind.  And whether it's GNU/Linux or Linux or FLOSS or FOSS or 
BSD or Hurd, let's not worry about terminology right now, OK?

To respond to Kenneth, no, we don't want to be The One And Only FLOSS 
Event in the country.  There are currently no plans for moving 
Freed/Freedel out of Delhi.  Having said that, we don't want to be 
limited either, so from that point of view Freed is more appropriate 
than Freedel -- if you're building an identity, why limit it to one 
city from the outset?  Makes more sense to go with an identity that 
lets you grow and evolve in the future, even in directions that you may 
not be able to foresee right now.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur           [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://kandalaya.org/
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