> Hi,
>   Time and again, there have been expressions on this list that
> management decisions in ILUG-Delhi are taken behind closed doors.
> While I personally feel that ILUG-D is among the most open
> organisations that I have been a part of, and strongly resent such
> implications, there must be some truth behind this, as it has been
> expressed by many people.

If this post is a direct reaction of what I had written in the morning,
I would again like to reiterate that I did not imply that decisions are
being made behind closed doors. 

Any society related discussions can and
should be made at physical society meetings. Any attempt at online participation
will not only complicate matters, but also hamper any real decision making. I 
strongly urge you not to consider any option of online participation in such 
For society related matters, it only encourages participation from 
parties who can mostly only talk but shy away from actual action.

I again repeat, my only concern is that whether non-participants in such 
(whatever the reason behind such non-participation might be) have any right to
discuss meeting decisions in this list. It would be a real tragedy if this is 

Many FOSS committees attend meetings and take decisions on behalf of the 
community. But
at the end of the day when they disclose the decisions, they also spend time 
their decisions to the online community. Is it therefore really too much to ask 
for? What is
it that is making you feel so resentful?

In this particular case though, the renaming of the event was a complete 
surprise. Nobody knew
that such a requirement was there. Normally before such decisions, people did 
discuss things online
before deciding on the final option in the actual meeting. It is still ok that 
the meeting participants
discovered the need in the meeting, and also found a solution. But is it wrong 
to discuss the decision
in the mailing list? Or has the objective of the list changed - and that we can 
only discuss Linux here
and all ILUGD related discussions have to happen at the meeting? If that it so, 
accept my apologies. You
will hear no more from me on such matters in the future.

- Sandip

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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