> Time and again, there have been expressions on this list that
> management decisions in ILUG-Delhi are taken behind closed doors.
> While I personally feel that ILUG-D is among the most open
> organisations that I have been a part of, and strongly resent such
> implications, there must be some truth behind this, as it has been
> expressed by many people.

Hey Gora,

I think it might simply be a case of 'do-ers' making the decisions. Which is

If you

(a) turn up for most of the meetings,
(b) give a hand in organizing events (especially Freedel),
(c) are an active face,

your opinions should obviously have more weightage in the community rather
than some lurker on the mailing list hell bent upon discussing pros and cons
of GPL/BSD or Emacs/Vi or (insert favourite flame war here).

Don't get bogged down by too much process. Get stuff done. Period.

PS: Before I get flamed, there will always be cases when active people
couldn't make it to a meet where decisions were taken, and they want to
debate it on the list. I think everyone is sane enough to listen to the
valid points on the list and alter decisions if it makes sense.

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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