On Tue, 2007-05-29 at 05:18 +0530, Linux Lingam wrote:
> am into serious professional-quality production with various tools and
> gear and have figured out my way around most things that any
> mainstream creative-type would need. ok enough talk. who do i contact,
> when? i guess a meeting at sarai, with its excellent coffee (is it
> still there?) would get me away from my comp for a little while.

Cool. If you wish to drop by informally, you are, of course welcome.
I am there certainly on Mon., Tue., and Fri., but can be there any
day of the week with prior notice.

> meanwhile, last week i composed a 3:45 min piece of music entirely
> using software tools under FOSS, from sound design to sequencing to
> recording to sequencing, effects, pre and post-production to final
> mix. burnt a cd and tested it on four to five different average
> consumer stereo and hi-fi and car audio systems to see what different
> sound-casts can do to it. was all set to publish it when i noticed
> some human-errors so am back on my keyboard (qwerty behaves like a
> music-keyboard when i do this)....

What might be useful then is if you could put together a small demo,
and come and present it at a Sarai Mon. meeting. I can put together
any hardware/software that you require. Let me talk to people here,
and we will see when we can find a mutually convenient time. Or, if
you have the time, do drop by, and you can chat with me, and whoever
else is present.

> in other news, raj mathur and friji have done an excellent job with
> schizoid.in a psytrance internet radio. listen to some stuff there if
> you dig that type of music.

Trance isn't my thing, at least at the moment, but I am aware of
Radio Schizoid, and am in touch with Raj and Friji. We are going
to try and do some things with them, but streaming radio is not
our immediate priority.


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