On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 12:09 +0530, Vikas Rawal wrote:
> I had not seen alfresco. A quick look suggests that Alfresco is a more
> general purpose content management software. dspace and invenio are
> more specific in nature: they are designed to build digital
> collections for libraries.  They are also specifically designed for
> academic libraries. It is of course possible that Alfresco does that
> job just as well. I would be terribly interested in seeing how you
> have implemented alfresco, and what all do you do with it.

Yes, that is indeed correct, at least as far as the little I have
investigated of Dspace (I have not had the time to look at Invenio).
I have had a little more time to play with Alfresco, and it seems to
be geared towards organising document collections, sharing them with
others, and allowing for collaboration with pre-defined workflows.
There is also some talk of integrating Alfresco with Dspace.

We also use Dspace at Sarai for organising our archive. Maybe that
is the point where we can share resources. 

> Yes. Must meet after you come back!

OK, I am on my way back, and will give you a call tomorrow.


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