Ashish Shukla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[about logging a developer's activity]

> You probably need to write a wrapper script which starts "script"[1] with
> $SHELL set to user's actual shell. And then install this wrapper script as
> user's shell.
> "script" command is part of BSD, and is available in Linux under "util-linux"
> package.
> The "script" process will trace every line printed on user's terminal, except
> curses stuff 

That rules out seeing what edits the user has done, which seems to defeat the
original purpose.

Also, the user has (and apparently needs) root. So only if you trust the user is
the wrapper idea a solution.

Sudo, as suggest earlier, looks like the simplest way. Maybe combined with
script and a special editor wrapper. But the original poster will have to
examine the situation more closely to see if it is appropriate.


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