On 31/10/2007, Gora Mohanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > notorious 'ilugd rule'. Take the latest freedel conference (or the
> > previous one) - it was a mega flop. Audience on the second day was
> > about 50 (including speakers and volunteers). First day, in each case
> > was about 200. OK, lets call it 500. 500 in the capital of the second
> >                                                       Anyway, as
> > far as NRC-FOSS is concerned, we will not send a team to freedel
> > unless we are assured of a double digit audience for our talks and
> > stalls.
> [...]
>   I will ignore the snideness of "a double digit audience", but
> I know of no FOSS event that guarantees attendance at any given
> talk. Certainly, we gave no assurance of attendance, nor were we
> asked about that at any point of time by NRC-FOSS folk. The

No one can give assurance of attendance at any particular talk. It is
combination of topic, speaker, competing tracks and even some thing as
simple as just post lunch ...

What's this about FOSS apologetics? Even main stream IT events in
mainstream IT cities go phut (see below).

Sudev Barar

Article from Hindu:
Showpiece IT event fails to click

Hardly 60 of the promised 200 stalls filled up the space

BANGALORE: "The Government of Rajasthan spent about Rs. 30 lakh to put
up this stall, personnel and material. After spending so much, we are
not getting any response," this lament from a Rajasthan IT Department
official was apparently an understatement as the showpiece event of
Bangalore's IT industry, BangaloreIT.in, failed to attract even the full
exhibitor strength on its debut day. Touted as "the largest IT and
telecom event" in this part of the world, the event venue looked
deserted, with hardly 60 of the promised 200 stalls filling up the space......

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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