
the reports on reliance's bililng issues are pretty consistent. you
can find them on forums, mailing lists, and among your own circle of
friends. quite a few people also feel harrassed due to this, so i'll
stay away from them even though i also know of people who have no

have used tata indicom on ubuntu breezy badger for more than a year,
and had no problems with connectivity, except in certain parts of
mumbai. used it at airports, in taxis on the road while being driven
around in various indian cities and once even on NH1 while driving
down from chandigarh to delhi. no issues.

would appreciate if you could share with me your experiences and
verdict on airtel gprs-over-edge on a pre-paid. i find it sucks even
when i'm here in urban heart-of-the-city in the NCR, awash with
zillions of radiowaves bouncing off, absorbing, and passing through my
skull 24x7. what's with airtel? specifically, i have found i may have
to make 9 or 10 attempts in a session before i get a few random spurts
of good connectivity for a few seconds or minutes, until it goes back
into an excruciatingly painful crawl. sometimes i joke to myself it
falls to 1 byte per hour or something, or maybe even 1 bit. the next
re-connect suddenly coughs and splutters.

what's your take?

was zapped to note a colleague's vodaphone had far-better
gprs-over-edge connectivity and speed than mine.

niyam bhushan

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