Wow. Thats heartfelt, eh? 

For someone who professes to be well versed with the
human psyche, I'd say you've done a terrible job
interpreting whats been happening on this list.

Respones inline.

--- Priya Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At one end, you kick out a lurker who wants to reach
> out and contact
> one-to-one with the group-- for sending a single
> off-topic message.

I don't think anyone's kicking out a lurker - there
are hundreds on this list. For a statement to have
been made so forcefully - have you even checked with
the person about why he's quitting?

> Personally I want to ask-- if connecting with
> like-minded people through
> social networking sites is so bad, how come Barack
> Obama has a website and a
> myspace page ?

I don't get the reference here. Social networks are
meant for people to connect with each other based on
common interests - something a presidential hopeful
would like to tap on his bid to get elected. But how
does that even compare with a list where discussions
are mostly about solving problems within a community,
related to a particular topic? 

Mailing lists have always had guidelines - some
unwritten, and people are expected to follow them.
Most times, they're enforced by list users rather than
an officious sounding moderator, who then needs to
step in only in the most extreme cases. 

> Instead of revelling in such total groupism--
> cursing the darkness- and then
> looking for people to kick out-- you people should
> ask yourself if there's a
> way to be more helpful to people who would otherwise
> be discouraged-- like
> the guy in a US university-- who wanted to take
> classes in Delhi-- but who
> was totally discouraged by the individual who in
> trying to show off his wit
> and intelligence insisted on foisting himself upon
> him.

Wow. Really, I'll have to hand it to you - you come
across thinking you're standing on a pedestal crying
out for common good, but you don't bother to check
facts? Not only do I think you interpreted that email
wrongly - which I believe was sent out in full honesty
- you came out in force *Against* it. Astounding.

> and that too
> a whole group of males ?

Erk, approaching murky waters. Lets not go in there
shall we?

> Having seen professionally-- the bad results such
> groupism brings upon
> organizations-- I am sure this group would fare no
> differently.

Have you seen this group professionally then?
Interesting. And what are your conclusions on such
empirical analysis?

> Gora ? if you are a 20-something youngster from some
> small town- then stop
> being a frog who even after being released in the
> ocean tries to carry his
> vision of his well with him-- in time you'll realize
> it's not healthy- and
> believe me you, I am professionally qualified to
> judge what constitutes
> mental health and what doesnt.

Haha. As much as Gora would appreciate being mistaken
for a 20 year old, I really don't think making
assumptions and debasing statements about someone
you've obviously never met - is a good idea on a
public list.

-- Viksit

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